
LaDale Winling is an award winning urban and digital historian and an expert on redlining and housing discrimination. He is an associate professor of history at Virginia Tech and his work has been supported by grants and fellowships from the NEH, the Newberry Library, the National Building Museum, the ACLS, and the National Archives.

His first book, Building the Ivory Tower: Universities and Metropolitan Development in the Twentieth Century, is published by the University of Pennsylvania Press.

His second book project, Property Wrongs, examines the forty-year battle between the real estate industry and the civil rights movement in the first half of the twentieth century. It is supported by a Public Scholars fellowship from the NEH.

Mapping Inequality: Redlining in New Deal America and Electing the House of Representatives, 1840-2018, are available as part of the American Panorama digital history atlas from the University of Richmond’s Digital Scholarship Lab.

Winling’s recent digital work includes the Chicago Covenants Project, here, and Connecting the Interstates, here.

You can read more about him here.